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downtown in Helsink

This is the way in winter

It was very cold there

This's one of place to see

My uni is cool place in hesnki


Main station in Helsinki

Comments about image


It was nice time at night

At night in summer is fun

Nice place to hang at night
Finland Business

Economy in Finland

Economic overview

Finland has a free-market economy with a highly industrialised manufacturing sector. Revolutionising its market during the 1980s, Finland emerged with a GDP comparable to the UK and Germany. Finland later abolished public monopolies and fought internal corruption to become one of the most efficient markets in Europe and has been named as one of the most economically and politically stable countries in the world

Setting up a business in Finland

Finland has a very strategic location on the interface between the markets of East and West. A lot of companies wanting to take advantage of this have established operations in the Helsinki region, and it is paying off for them. Helsinki can offer them all the services and infrastructure that a company needs for successful operation in a competitive economy. Experience has shown that companies that set up in Helsinki stay on; the number that have pulled up stakes is vanishingly small. Of the about 3,000 foreign companies that have established in Finland, around 2,500 are in the Helsinki region and 1,000 in the capital itself.

Social security for Entrepreneurs

The Self-Employed Persons' Pensions Act (YEL) requires entrepreneurs to take out pension insurance. Entrepreneurs are not covered by accident insurance; therefore it is advisable for them to take out a voluntary accident insurance policy. Furthermore, entrepreneurs do not have a contractual group insurance policy. They are solely responsible for arranging voluntary life insurance cover for themselves. If they become unemployed for whatever reason, entrepreneurs may qualify for a basic allowance from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela); they may also voluntarily join the Entrepreneurs' Unemployment Fund for earnings-related unemployment benefits.

Entrepreneurs may also receive a maternity allowance, paternity allowance, parental allowance, special care allowance or rehabilitation allowance and sickness allowance.

Finland Business comments

Your comments

is it easy to operate business in Finland as not EU Citizens?
Patel , India

Have been doing business here for while and very good to do business. Despite high tax in contrast to east europe but there's low crime rate and organise crime
Mario , Mexico, Helsinkin

Finish are very kind peopl
DAUDI , Tanzania


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Sweden tourist spots

National Museum of Finland

Known as Suomen Kansallismuseo in Finnish, the museum is an exhibit of Finnish life from the Stone Age to current times. Among the artifacts there are jewelry, precious metals and ornaments from various time periods. There is also an exhibit on Finnish folk life.
The permanent exhibition is divided into six departments. The Treasure Troves present the museum’s collections of coins, medals, orders, decorations, silver and weapons. The Prehistory of Finland is Finland’s largest archaeological exhibition. The Realm tells of the history of Finnish culture and society from the Middle Ages until the beginning of the 20th century. A Land and Its People presents rural life in Finland before industrialisation.


Suomenlinna is a sea fortress encompassing half a dozen islands. A UNESCO World Heritage site, it is a popular destination for tourists. It is a favored picnic site, and there are also several museums there as well.
Suomenlinna has something for everyone – walls, cannons, tunnels, a submarine, museums, cafés, restaurants and even a brewery! Many find the 15-minute ferry crossing to the fortress the most enjoyable part of the visit. It offers you a unique chance to see and photograph Helsinki from the sea.

Sarkanniemi Amusement Park

The Sarkanniemi Amusement Park is located in Tampere, the second largest city in Finland. The amusement park is just one of the many attractions in the area. You can join 1.5 million annual guests and also visit the observation tower, dolphinarium, zoo, planetarium , aquarium and Rapid's ride which are all within short walking distance from the park.

Linnanmaki Amusement Park-Helsinki

The Linnanmaki amusement park is the oldest and the most popular amusement park in Finland. More than one million visitors enjoy this beautiful park on top of the hill every year, in the heart of Helsinki City. There are plenty of rides, both brand new and popular oldies. Linnanmaki is the classic amusement park in it's finest form.


Saimaa is the 4th biggest lake in Europe at 4,400 square kilometers (1,700 sq mi). With the sun shining golden on the waters, it remains one of the most popular destinations for canoeing and fishing in the country.

Finland tourist spots comments

Your comments

Best time to be in Finland is summer time. There's lot of fun and lot of places to go.

sorry Jarame, I prefere to in Finland at winter for skies.


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