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Yes it's Sarajevo

Famous tower in Sarajevo

This our tram is nice

Busy time in Center

Now Sarajevo is buzzing


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At weekend in City

It's good place 2 be

Bosnia Business

Economy in Bosnia

Economic overview

Bosnia is a new country to do business then involved lot of bureaucratic procedure to overcome before set up a company in Bosnia.

Setting up a business in Bosnia

Be prepared for bureaucracy such as tax purposes, insurance, health and in order to obtain the certificate of function, registering the company with Municipal Court is mandatory. All these procedure involved lot of time. It can take more than a 30 days to sort out all the documents and to set up a company depend when entrepreneurs concluded all procedures.

Foreigners doing business in Bosnia

process can be rather complex and almost in all procedures. Bureaucracy is a big problem that it's stopping foreign entrepreneurs to invest in Bosnia.

Bosnia Business comments

Your comments

All procedure involved, bureaucracy, bureaucracy and bureaucracy.
David , Canada, Sarajevo

It's a new place to do business.
Kravia , Bosnia


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Croatia tourist spots

The Old Bridge Area of the Old City of Mostar

It is a multicultural architecture is a icon of coexistence of communities from different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds.
The Old Bridge Area of the Old City of Mostar

Gazi Husrev-beg's Mosque

It was built in 1532 AD and the Gazi Husrev-beg mosque is a symbol of Sarajevo landmark. It has been now renovated after the heavy damage during the siege of Sarajevo.
Gazi Husrev-beg's Mosque

Avaz Twist Tower

The Avaz Twist tower was built between 2006 and 2009 and it has total high of 172m, moreover it has 38 floors. To have a good view of Sarajevo take lift to the top of tower. The tower is located in the Marijin Dvor district, Sarajevo's business district.
Avaz Twist Tower in Sarajevo

Sarajevo History Museum

There are collections over the thousand-year history of Sarajevo but people concentrate on its four most notorious years: 1992-95. The exhibits tell the story of what daily life was like during the siege of the city in the Bosnian war. The Museum illustrated about culture and difficult time that Sarajevo people went through.

muzej_saraj or Sarajevo History Museum

Bosnia tourist spots comments

Your comments

Avaz Twist Tower is the place to be in Sarajevo

Surprise but Sarajevo is beautifull place.


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