About us

My Continent is the place on web where your voice and thoughts can be express.


We are fresh and young Social Network and Informative Media.
Our main objective to help our users and members to share their pictures, concepts, thoughs,business links and have debates about issues in our Continents, etc.

My Continent was created in mind that there are lot of information in internet but also there are not enough of information in internet in some part of our World.

Therefore, My Continent has in mind this should be your local website, that why is divided in Continents and in Countries for our users and members to be able to share with the rest of World about their cultures, images of cities, business, etc.


Top right of Screen- There is name of Continents(Africa and Europe) click on to help to switch between Continents
Upload -To upload images or view images of any country go to home page and click on Countries
BookStore - is the place to adverstise books from each Continents for free for now
Your Story - is place where people can express their visions,dreams and opinions.